With a range of up to 200-feet, this transducer provides you with sonar images that are easy to interpret. It’s designed to deliver live or real-time scanning sonar that offers you unmatched clarity. The Garmin Livescope is quite frankly one of the most amazing sonar tech fish finders to ever hit the market. While that might be a wonderful feather in its cap, it isn’t the only reason this transducer is on my list of “must-have fishing equipment.” Even if you’ve never used it or seen it in action, you probably know that it won the 2018 ICAST “Best of Show” award. If you keep up with the latest news on marine electronics, then you have probably come across Garmin Livescope at some point.

Let’s take a quick look at what it is, how to use it, and why you might want to consider ordering it for your next fishing trip. One of the most outstanding pieces of fishing equipment in their arsenal is the Garmin Livescope. Not only do they offer excellent fish finding gear and have done so for decades now, but they also give you tech that is easy and fun to use. When it comes to GPS and fishing technology, very few companies can compare to Garmin International. We may earn comission from links on this page, but we have confidence in all recommended products.